Friday, July 13, 2012

Birding Hike

Birding with Kenneth and Albert
13 of us got up early for a guided bird walk with Kenneth and Albert. The trip was from 5:45 to 7:45. Since we weren't back in time for breakfast, Kenneth make arrangements at the dining hall for us to get food a little later than usual. We spent some time near the buildings and then walked back up the road out of La Selva. Then we went into the forest on a trail and made a loop that brought us out to where we hiked the first day. The guides were fantastic, and we saw lots of birds! Here is the list:

Gray-necked wood-rail

Gray-necked wood-rail
Olive-throated parakeet
White-crowned parrot
Squirrel cuckoo
Lesser swallow-tailed swift
Band-tailed barbthroat
Violet-crowned woodnymph
Rufous-tailed hummingbird
Violaceous trogon
Black-cheeked woodpecker
Cinnamon woodpecker
Cocoa woodpecker
Great antshrike
Common tody flycatcher
Great kiskadee
Social flycatcher
Gray-capped flycatcher
Tropical kingbird
Cinnamon becard
White-collared manakin
Plain wren
Melodious blackbird
Black-cowled oriole
Montezuma oropendola

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