Sunday, July 15, 2012

Banana Plantation

Saturday July 14, 2012

Well another great day today! Group B loaded up and headed out to the Dole Banana plantation. We met another charming guide named Carlos. He was incredibly intelligent and kept us entertained while we learned how banana plants are propagated. Carlos liked to  explain everything in terms of three’s, but the one  most memorable facts I learned is that there are zero banana trees on the plantation. That’s correct, The banana plant is a gigantic herb. I learned so much today and I look forward to bringing this knowledge back to the classroom.

 We put on hairnets and had the opportunity to see how the bananas are processed and packaged to be shipped to other countries. At this time, Sweden  is the number one consumer of bananas. So lets go America start eating more bananas- they are loaded with potassium and fiber!  The tour included a quick shot of banana liqueur and a trip to the gift shop. I look forward to searching for recipes for my delicious Lizano Creama De Banano.