Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday July 9

Meeting in the dining area for our first group activity

Out on our first guided hike

Our guide for the day: Albert
Monday July 9

We arrived at La Selva! It was a long trip, but it could have been worse. We were advised that an avalanche had blocked the main road to La Selva. We were told that the ride would be a 3 hour bumpy windy ride. Luckily for us the road was cleared and we made it here by noon. Of course it rained along the way and many of us had water leakage in our suitcases. (Luggage was piled on top of the van)!
We had lunch in the cafeteria- They have quite an operation here. There are about 100 people staying here at La Salva. They serve three meals a day, and delicious Costa Rican coffee is available at all times.
After lunch Peggy led us in a quick group bonding experience. There are teachers here from Chicago, Maryland, California and of course New York. We are all excited about this experience!
Our first guided hike was with a very knowledgeable guide named Kenneth. He has an amazing ability to spot creatures of all kinds.
Right off the bat we saw the coolest plants and animals!
White collard peccaries are very friendly and they are all over the place. The only problem is they have a gland on their rump that has a terrible musky smell!
A momma and baby sloth in a tree!
A beautiful blue jean frog
And trees and plants of all kinds. We look forward to learning more about the rainforest as the days go by.
After dinner we enjoyed some wine in the outside cafeteria!